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Symptoms of Brain Injury after a Truck Accident that Might Go Unnoticed

Research by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has shown that over twenty-five percent of hospitalizations are due to traumatic brain injuries. These types of brain injuries are often a result of multi-vehicle crashes.

A high number of truck and bus crashes were still recorded in America over the past few years, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. These crashes led to broken bones, spinal cord damage, and even death. Some of the worst long-term impacts of these crashes are post-concussive syndrome and brain injuries.

Decrease in the Initiation and Brain Injury

A decrease in initiation is a symptom of brain injury that is not as obvious as other symptoms, such as motor control, loss of facial muscle, and mood controllability. A person who has suffered a decrease in initiation will likely be misunderstood as lazy, lacking motivation, and defiant.

Such a person will find it hard to complete some actions and tasks. When a normal human being hears his name being called, he will respond. However, a person who has suffered decreased initiation will hear his name called but may not respond.

How to Help People With Decreased Initiation

People suffering from decreased initiation can recover if they get all the support they need. Apart from seeking professional help, here are other things that can be done.

  • Create Routines

Having a repetitive schedule can help a person with decreased initiation recover faster. The person can initiate the next step with more independence. The routine should be rigorously adhered to in order to avoid confusion and help the person easily decide what should happen next.

  • Set Alarms

Alarms can serve as an initiation prompter to get the person started on a new task. Use the timer on the phone or set alarms to help the person know when to begin another task.

  • Use Visual Reminders

Pictures, stickers, signs, to-do lists, and the like can be strategically placed. This will help the individual remember what needs to be done next.

  • A Little Patience

A patient with decreased initiation will not recover at the snap of your fingers, so you need to wait. When in a conversation, you might need to wait a bit for the individual to process his thoughts before responding. This will help their brain to work on the question asked.

  • Create Self-Assessing Questions

The decrease-in-initiation patient can also be helped by creating self-assessment questions to help them know what to do next. An example of such a question is, "Right now, what am I doing?" "What am I to do next?"

When Do You Need a Lawyer?

“No matter what type of vehicle you are driving, you must know how to keep yourself and everyone safe,” says attorney Thomas P. Pettinicchi D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. 

If you are a truck driver, keep your truck in good shape. Obey all traffic rules and use signs where necessary. Always be aware of your speed and stopping distance, as many truck accidents have been related to brake failure.

As a car driver, be mindful of your proximity to a truck. Driving very close to a truck is not a good idea, especially if you are on a sloped ascent. Give enough space, and make sure you use your blinkers before overtaking any truck. Most importantly, focus on the road.

If, however, you are involved in a truck accident, you may need a truck accident lawyer. This will be necessary if you suspect you might have suffered a brain injury, as the lawyer will fight for you to get the compensation necessary to cover your medical expenses as well as expenses caused by job loss and long-term care, if needed.

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